Here are some reasons you may be seeking counseling:
you are feeling overwhelmed with your life and responsibilities.
you feel tense all the time or are excessively worried about the future.
you feel an excessive amount guilt or shame.
you are having panic attacks (sudden unexplained fear, shortness of breath, overwhelming sense that something is wrong, heart palpitations, "out of body" feeling).
you are anxious about something in particular and it seems to be controlling your life.
you are having unwanted distressing thoughts that question who you are as a person and that contradict your beliefs.
you feel discouraged, depressed, and are not experiencing joy in your life.
you feel sad all the time, helpless and/or hopeless.
you are having trouble concentrating, are frequently distracted, disorganized and can't seem to finish tasks.
you are engaged in unproductive, self-destructive or addictive behaviors.
you are feeling lonely or are having problems with a relationship(s).
you feel that your life is out of balance, that you are working way too much, spreading yourself too thin and do not have enough time for yourself or for connecting with your family or friends.
you are dissatisfied with school or your job and just can't seem to get ahead.
you are anticipating or have made a positive change but don't feel so positive and are quite anxious.
you are unable to regulate your moods.
you have experienced an unexpected life-changing situation such as a death of a loved one, a job loss or a divorce and don't know how you are going to get through it. You feel lost and don't know where to turn.
you feel conflicted about your beliefs, values and behavior.
you believe that you are in a unhealthy relationship or system at home, work, church or school and don't know what to do about it.
as a leader you are struggling to balance your personal and work life or are lacking confidence in your abilities.
You may have been diagnosed with one or more of the following conditions:
Adjustment Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Social Phobia
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
Asperger's or High Functioning Autism
Major Depressive Disorder
Dysthymic Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
If you have these or other concerns or difficulties give us a call to schedule an assessment session. From there we will help establish a customized approach to your concerns. We accept many insurance plans and private pay.
How Can we help?
Individual Psychotherapy
We integrate insight/dynamic, solutions-focused, cognitive behavioral and other relevent theoretical approaches to professional counseling based on your individual needs. We believe strongly in a collaborative approach that respects your life history, values and beliefs. We strive to be authentic while we work with you to determine how to best meet your goals.
Relationship Counseling
Our therapist will work with you to find positive, healthy solutions to your relationship struggles. We believe that a successful relationship starts with a strong and intentional commitment to each other. However, is only the beginning to rewarding life together. All relationships at some time face conflicts and challenges both internally and from outside stressors. It takes great courage to admit when there is a problem and to seek help outside the relationship. We strive to be impartial as we join the two of you in facing some of the more significant challenges in your life. "We all have the basic psychological needs of security (love and acceptance) and significance (meaning and purpose). Our relationships with family, friends, and others that are connected in our lives play an important role in meeting these very needs. Successful relationships and attaining life goals develops out of strong self identity, and a commitment to understanding another's perspective. It is also about learning and maintaining healthy psychological boundaries."
"Relational development starts with attachments to our primary caregivers and continues through relationships with peers and others as we progress in our lives. However, even in the best of environments there are inevitably missing pieces to our relational skills and we will face conflicts that challenges based on these unknown or hidden factors."